
Psychosocial centre for displaced people and migrants in the state of Brandenburg

The Brandenburg Psychosocial Center (PSZ) offers people seeking protection psychological, social and legal support.

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Campaign Emergency Humanity against the “security package”

Together with a broad civil society alliance, we are calling on people to protest against the so-called “security package” with the #NotlageMenschlichkeit campaign.
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Children's creative group and parent support group

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PrignitzOstprignitz-RuppinOberhavelUckermarkBarnimHavellandPotsdam-MittelmarkBrandenburg an der HavelPotsdamMärkisch-OderlandTeltow-FlämingDahme-SpreewaldOder-SpreeFrankfurt-OderElbe-ElsterOberspreewald-LausitzSpree-NeißeCottbus

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